19.3 Regresión y correlación

19.3.1 Regresión lineal simple

Utilizando la función lm (modelo lineal) se puede llevar a cabo, entre otras muchas cosas, una regresión lineal simple

lm(satisfac ~ fidelida, data = hatco)
## Call:
## lm(formula = satisfac ~ fidelida, data = hatco)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept)     fidelida  
##      1.6074       0.0685
modelo <- lm(satisfac ~ fidelida, data = hatco, na.action=na.exclude)
## Call:
## lm(formula = satisfac ~ fidelida, data = hatco, na.action = na.exclude)
## Residuals:
##      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
## -1.47492 -0.37341  0.09358  0.38258  1.25258 
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) 1.607399   0.322436   4.985 2.71e-06 ***
## fidelida    0.068500   0.006848  10.003  < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.6058 on 97 degrees of freedom
##   (1 observation deleted due to missingness)
## Multiple R-squared:  0.5078, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5027 
## F-statistic: 100.1 on 1 and 97 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
plot(hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac)      # Cuidado con el orden de las variables
# with(hatco, plot(fidelida, satisfac))   # Alternativa empleando with
# plot(satisfac ~ fidelida, data = hatco) # Alternativa empleando fórmulas

Valores ajustados

##        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8 
## 3.799412 4.552917 4.895419 3.799412 5.580423 4.689918 4.758418 4.621417 
##        9       10       11       12       13       14       15       16 
## 5.922925 5.306421 3.799412 4.826919 4.278915 4.210415 5.306421 4.963919 
##       17       18       19       20       21       22       23       24 
## 4.210415 4.347416 5.306421 5.374922 4.415916 4.004913 5.374922 4.073414 
##       25       26       27       28       29       30       31       32 
## 4.963919 4.963919 4.073414 5.306421 4.963919 4.758418 4.552917 5.237921 
##       33       34       35       36       37       38       39       40 
## 5.717424 4.847469 4.004913 4.278915 4.621417 4.758418 3.593911 3.525410 
##       41       42       43       44       45       46       47       48 
## 4.347416 5.580423 5.237921 4.895419 4.210415 5.306421 5.374922 4.552917 
##       49       50       51       52       53       54       55       56 
## 5.511923 5.237921 4.415916 5.237921 5.032420 3.799412 4.278915 4.826919 
##       57       58       59       60       61       62       63       64 
## 5.854425 6.059926 4.758418 5.032420 5.306421 5.717424 4.826919 4.073414 
##       65       66       67       68       69       70       71       72 
## 4.347416 4.689918 5.648924 4.758418 5.580423 4.963919 5.032420 5.374922 
##       73       74       75       76       77       78       79       80 
## 5.100920 5.717424 4.415916 4.963919 4.484416 4.826919 4.278915 5.443422 
##       81       82       83       84       85       86       87       88 
## 5.648924 4.847469 4.415916 4.141914 5.237921 4.552917 5.100920 4.073414 
##       89       90       91       92       93       94       95       96 
## 3.936413 5.717424 4.963919 4.278915 4.552917 4.073414 3.730912 3.319909 
##       97       98       99      100 
## 5.717424 4.210415 4.484416       NA


##          1          2          3          4          5          6 
##  0.4005878 -0.2529168  0.3045811  0.1005878  1.2195769 -0.2899177

##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  resid(modelo)
## W = 0.98515, p-value = 0.3325
plot(hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac)    

# segments(hatco$fidelida, fitted(modelo), hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac)
with(hatco, segments(fidelida, fitted(modelo), fidelida, satisfac))

plot(fitted(modelo), resid(modelo))

Banda de confianza

predict(modelo, interval='confidence')
##          fit      lwr      upr
## 1   3.799412 3.571263 4.027561
## 2   4.552917 4.424306 4.681528
## 3   4.895419 4.772225 5.018613
## 4   3.799412 3.571263 4.027561
## 5   5.580423 5.380031 5.780815
## 6   4.689918 4.567906 4.811929
## 7   4.758418 4.637529 4.879307
## 8   4.621417 4.496801 4.746033
## 9   5.922925 5.665048 6.180803
## 10  5.306421 5.146011 5.466832
## 11  3.799412 3.571263 4.027561
## 12  4.826919 4.705631 4.948206
## 13  4.278915 4.123089 4.434741
## 14  4.210415 4.045670 4.375159
## 15  5.306421 5.146011 5.466832
## 16  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 17  4.210415 4.045670 4.375159
## 18  4.347416 4.199793 4.495038
## 19  5.306421 5.146011 5.466832
## 20  5.374922 5.205264 5.544580
## 21  4.415916 4.275658 4.556174
## 22  4.004913 3.810147 4.199680
## 23  5.374922 5.205264 5.544580
## 24  4.073414 3.889113 4.257714
## 25  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 26  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 27  4.073414 3.889113 4.257714
## 28  5.306421 5.146011 5.466832
## 29  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 30  4.758418 4.637529 4.879307
## 31  4.552917 4.424306 4.681528
## 32  5.237921 5.086103 5.389740
## 33  5.717424 5.494745 5.940103
## 34  4.847469 4.725765 4.969172
## 35  4.004913 3.810147 4.199680
## 36  4.278915 4.123089 4.434741
## 37  4.621417 4.496801 4.746033
## 38  4.758418 4.637529 4.879307
## 39  3.593911 3.330292 3.857530
## 40  3.525410 3.249642 3.801179
## 41  4.347416 4.199793 4.495038
## 42  5.580423 5.380031 5.780815
## 43  5.237921 5.086103 5.389740
## 44  4.895419 4.772225 5.018613
## 45  4.210415 4.045670 4.375159
## 46  5.306421 5.146011 5.466832
## 47  5.374922 5.205264 5.544580
## 48  4.552917 4.424306 4.681528
## 49  5.511923 5.322196 5.701650
## 50  5.237921 5.086103 5.389740
## 51  4.415916 4.275658 4.556174
## 52  5.237921 5.086103 5.389740
## 53  5.032420 4.901205 5.163635
## 54  3.799412 3.571263 4.027561
## 55  4.278915 4.123089 4.434741
## 56  4.826919 4.705631 4.948206
## 57  5.854425 5.608471 6.100378
## 58  6.059926 5.777748 6.342104
## 59  4.758418 4.637529 4.879307
## 60  5.032420 4.901205 5.163635
## 61  5.306421 5.146011 5.466832
## 62  5.717424 5.494745 5.940103
## 63  4.826919 4.705631 4.948206
## 64  4.073414 3.889113 4.257714
## 65  4.347416 4.199793 4.495038
## 66  4.689918 4.567906 4.811929
## 67  5.648924 5.437531 5.860316
## 68  4.758418 4.637529 4.879307
## 69  5.580423 5.380031 5.780815
## 70  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 71  5.032420 4.901205 5.163635
## 72  5.374922 5.205264 5.544580
## 73  5.100920 4.963837 5.238003
## 74  5.717424 5.494745 5.940103
## 75  4.415916 4.275658 4.556174
## 76  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 77  4.484416 4.350544 4.618289
## 78  4.826919 4.705631 4.948206
## 79  4.278915 4.123089 4.434741
## 80  5.443422 5.263964 5.622881
## 81  5.648924 5.437531 5.860316
## 82  4.847469 4.725765 4.969172
## 83  4.415916 4.275658 4.556174
## 84  4.141914 3.967647 4.316181
## 85  5.237921 5.086103 5.389740
## 86  4.552917 4.424306 4.681528
## 87  5.100920 4.963837 5.238003
## 88  4.073414 3.889113 4.257714
## 89  3.936413 3.730815 4.142011
## 90  5.717424 5.494745 5.940103
## 91  4.963919 4.837379 5.090459
## 92  4.278915 4.123089 4.434741
## 93  4.552917 4.424306 4.681528
## 94  4.073414 3.889113 4.257714
## 95  3.730912 3.491126 3.970697
## 96  3.319909 3.006980 3.632839
## 97  5.717424 5.494745 5.940103
## 98  4.210415 4.045670 4.375159
## 99  4.484416 4.350544 4.618289
## 100       NA       NA       NA

Banda de predicción

head(predict(modelo, interval='prediction'))
##        fit      lwr      upr
## 1 3.799412 2.575563 5.023261
## 2 4.552917 3.343663 5.762171
## 3 4.895419 3.686729 6.104109
## 4 3.799412 2.575563 5.023261
## 5 5.580423 4.361444 6.799403
## 6 4.689918 3.481348 5.898487

Representación gráfica de las bandas

bandas.frame <- data.frame(fidelida=24:66)
bc <- predict(modelo, interval = 'confidence', newdata = bandas.frame)
bp <- predict(modelo, interval = 'prediction', newdata = bandas.frame)
plot(hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac, ylim = range(hatco$satisfac, bp, na.rm = TRUE))
matlines(bandas.frame$fidelida, bc, lty=c(1,2,2), col='black')
matlines(bandas.frame$fidelida, bp, lty=c(0,3,3), col='red')

19.3.2 Correlación

Coeficiente de correlación de Pearson

cor(hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac, use='complete.obs')
## [1] 0.712581
cor(hatco[,6:14], use='complete.obs')
##             velocida      precio    flexprec    imgfabri    servconj
## velocida  1.00000000 -0.35439461  0.51879732  0.04885481  0.60908594
## precio   -0.35439461  1.00000000 -0.48550163  0.27150666  0.51134698
## flexprec  0.51879732 -0.48550163  1.00000000 -0.11472112  0.07496499
## imgfabri  0.04885481  0.27150666 -0.11472112  1.00000000  0.29800272
## servconj  0.60908594  0.51134698  0.07496499  0.29800272  1.00000000
## imgfvent  0.08084452  0.18873090 -0.03801323  0.79015164  0.24641510
## calidadp -0.48984768  0.46822563 -0.44542562  0.19904126 -0.06152068
## fidelida  0.67428681  0.07682487  0.57807750  0.22442574  0.69802972
## satisfac  0.64981476  0.02636286  0.53057615  0.47553688  0.63054720
##             imgfvent    calidadp    fidelida    satisfac
## velocida  0.08084452 -0.48984768  0.67428681  0.64981476
## precio    0.18873090  0.46822563  0.07682487  0.02636286
## flexprec -0.03801323 -0.44542562  0.57807750  0.53057615
## imgfabri  0.79015164  0.19904126  0.22442574  0.47553688
## servconj  0.24641510 -0.06152068  0.69802972  0.63054720
## imgfvent  1.00000000  0.18052945  0.26674626  0.34349253
## calidadp  0.18052945  1.00000000 -0.20401261 -0.28687427
## fidelida  0.26674626 -0.20401261  1.00000000  0.71258104
## satisfac  0.34349253 -0.28687427  0.71258104  1.00000000
cor.test(hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac)
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  hatco$fidelida and hatco$satisfac
## t = 10.003, df = 97, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.5995024 0.7977691
## sample estimates:
##      cor 
## 0.712581

El coeficiente de correlación de Spearman es una variante no paramétrica

cor.test(hatco$fidelida, hatco$satisfac, method='spearman')
##  Spearman's rank correlation rho
## data:  hatco$fidelida and hatco$satisfac
## S = 46601, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
## sample estimates:
##       rho 
## 0.7118039